Hi David, Clint and I would just like to say to people looking as purchasing a float to seriously consider Writco.
We have found that upon doing a great deal of research, and looking into other brands that we felt the purchase of the Majestic 5 was the right decision for us. We had a few friends take a look at the site and all the specifications, that do engineering work themselves and they were very impressed with the materials used and the attention to detail.
We need a strong float and were looking for a float to last a long time and one that could cope with our road conditions. Half of the floats built today, can not handle rough roads and are more suited to bitumen travelling. We then went on to the stage of ordering and like many of Writco's customers live no-where near their premises, and have had to do everything over the phone and fax, which has been alot of trial and error, but in the long run we came out with the extras in our float that are both functional and practical. We live approximately 60km out of Clermont on the Alpha road, and regularly travel this rather ordinary section of dirt road.
We can happily report that the float handles this road extremely well, whether it be raining, dry and covered in potholes, or passing roadtrains which are stuck and we have to go off road in 4 wheel drive to get around!! We regularly travel to campdrafts, and polocross in Central Queensland and our horses always travel well and with plenty of room to spare, 2 horses and all the extra equipment we need to take. We have had alot of comments from a large variety of horse people, impressed by the standard of finish of the float and like us all they can see the quality, and thought that has gone into creating a fuctional and practical float.
Thank-you David for helping us to get it right!!
Clint and Sharon Fletcher Banchory Station QLD